Weight Watchers Daily Point Allowance Calculator

Weight Watchers Daily Point Allowance Calculator

Weight Watchers has been around for over 50 years and seems to work very well for most people, however there have been several formula's over the years one of which I have listed here.  This calcuation is the old Weight Watchers program is the one we are going to use here with a slight modification.  This modification, along with watching fat and fiber, will have you losing 1 - 2 pounds per week.  Anymore than that is not healthy and may not stay off. This is not a diet, this is life change to the way you look at food.  Get started today by calculating your points using the forumula below.  Also remember that along with this you should always consume more fiber than fat grams per day and try not to exceed 25 grams of fat.   



To find your daily points allowance, give yourself the number of points listed next to the option that fits your situation best:

Your sex:
If you are female- score 2 points
If you are male- score 8
If you are nursing- score 12

Your age:
17 to 26- score 4
27 to 37- score 3
38 to 47- score 2
48 to 58- score 1
Over 58- score 0

Your current weight:
Enter the first 2 digits of your weight in pounds. If you are 175 lbs for example, you would enter "17".

Your height:
under 5'1"- score 0
5'1" to 5'10"- score 1
Over 5'10"- score 2

Your activity level on most days of the week, how do you spend your day?:
sitting down- score 0
occassionally sitting, but mostly standing- score 2
walking most of the time- score 4
doing physically hard work most of the time- score 6

Add up all your scored points now add 10 points and that is your daily points target.   You also have 35 Flex Points  to use each week so you can divide this between your week or use for special events like pizza or going out for dinner.

As you celebrate your birthday, increase your daily activity, or as you lose weight, you will need to keep retaking this quiz to most accurately figure your points allowance. 

 Your points drop as you lose weight.